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Much modern-day mental and emotional distress can be traced to underlying anxiety, tension and stress which arises out of an imbalance between our ‘conscious’ beliefs and desires, and the beliefs and desires we hold below our conscious awareness, in the 'subconscious'.


This extremely powerful part of the mind governs our emotional responses and our automatic behaviours, and because it also acts autonomously, there can sometimes be a disconnect between our thoughts and the behaviours we end up producing. Meaning that over time, we can end up developing behaviours that we feel we have no control over.


Hypnosis is extremely effective in allowing us to create profound behavioural changes at an unconscious level and enabling us to transform some of the old outdated beliefs we hold about ourselves and our abilities.


Whether you’re looking to change a habit, reduce stress, build self-confidence or motivate yourself to start eating better for a healthier life, then hypnosis is a highly efficient way of achieving your goals.



If you would like to know more about hypnosis or any of the services I provide please feel free to contact me below.

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